Thursday, March 15, 2012

We Inspire Poetry

On their Sunday evening orientation, guests are "informed" that at the end of the week they have to entertain us on Friday evenings at the campfire cookout! 

A beautiful Friday evening with new friends!
Heck, we're easy....just write a poem about your stay with us! Piece of cake, at least we think so!
Most people don't believe they have it in them, but let me tell ya' folks, after 5 days in our amazing part of Wyoming the words flow effortlessly. Guests get creative, not only writing in simple poetry, but also offering up Haiku (a form of Japanese poetry), singing their poems to the tune of a favorite song or even going so far  as to do a "rap" version! The kids will sometimes "pair up" to read theirs, families will do one written together, while others give simple, heartfelt "speeches". They read from note cards and "notebooks", Ipads and phones, they get emotional (oh heck, we do too), they tell jokes or perhaps stories from past visits. Laughter & applause fill the air as the day dies down along with the embers in our campfire.

Roasting marshmellows around the fire.
The Dubois Rodeo is gonna' start real soon & we don't want to miss that.....but sometimes, we linger for just a  few minutes more to soak up one last memory of a truly special vacation.

"THANK YOU" to all those wonderful poets over the years...we know we have been entertained by the best!!


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As a member of the Dude Ranchers' Association, the Lazy L&B Ranch strives to provide excellent service to guests in a traditional western ranch atmosphere.


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