Wanting to share with you the most current news from the ranch, I "visited" (via internet) with our neighbor John Finley. A good friend, talented artist (we sell some of his beautiful pieces in our ranch store) and a lifelong resident of the area (his ranch connects with ours)! He is kind enough to look out for the ranch in winter time when we cannot be there.
Now this is straight from "the horses mouth" (well, at least John's mouth anyway)!
"The last few days have been pretty nice with the temps. in the 50s and even mid 60s after a cold and windy couple of days earlier in the week. Most of the snow here in the valley is gone except the big drifts. The deer are coming around and looking for the new green grass that is just starting up. Not many elk down right now. There are two or three moose hanging on the creek. The blue birds arrived on the 13th and the Red Tailed Hawks are back as well as some other spring birds. Some Canada geese have been flying the creek. No bear sign yet, the wolves have passed through several time this winter".
Sounds like springtime is just around the corner and we can't wait to open the ranch and once again share our Wyoming home with old friends and welcome new friends to our "Lazy L&B family"!
Book now for the following week(s) to recieve our best discounts of the year!
25% off June 3-9 & June 10-16